Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Orange Macadamia Macarons with Bittersweet Chocolate Ganache

I am a sucker for all things miniature as well as all things pastry, so to me, french macarons are perfection. I created these on a whim this afternoon (me bored at home always equals a new dessert creation) when I discovered egg whites in the fridge leftover from pastry cream. For correctly made french macarons (not to be confused with coconut "macaroons") you have to use aged egg whites, so today was the perfect day to experiment. I did not have the almonds the formula called for, so I substituted toasted macadamia nuts; not a bad placement in my opinion. I added orange zest to the batter and piped them small enough to be a one-bite confection. I then sandwiched them with a bittersweet ganache made with Callebaut 61% Grenade chocolate (The stuff I save for special recipes). The results were too delicious!

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